Registration is now closed. If you like, you can still fill out a registration form and be on the waiting list. In case a space opens up due to cancellations we will notify you.
Currently you can only sign up for the waiting list.
Dor Haba 2019 is a music, arts, and media training camp for Hebrew and Arabic you.
Develop a lifestyle of worship and prayer.
Deepen your relationship with the Creator.
Be a light in this world!
Our theme this year is:
“Telling God's story through Music, Art and Media”
We will learn about God’s amazing story in the scriptures, and how we can tell His story in creative ways, using the gifts and talents He has given us.
Two Tracks: Music and Media
Participants in the music track will be assigned to worship teams. With a team, they will prepare their own worship set, arrange songs in various musical styles, write songs, and even record them.
In the music track you can learn:
- Singing
- Piano
- Guitar
- Electric guitar
- Bass guitar
- Drums
- Violin
- Percussion
- Worship leading
- Playing with a team
- Writing and recording songs
- Prayer leading from scripture
- Spontaneous singing in worship
- Arabic music
- and more…
Participants in the media track will produce a short video or music video. Art students will create pieces of art the express God’s story.
These all we be displayed on the last night, in the creative worship and prayer event hosted by the youth themselves.
In the media path, you can learn:
- Art
- Photography
- Dance
- Video production
- Sound system operation and recording
- Animation
- Purity, truth, and beauty in art
- Worshipping God with your artistic talents
- Receiving creativity from the Creator
- Using media to tell a story
- and more…
You may choose a main subject, in which you will receive 3 group lessons according to his or her skill level. In addition, you can choose a secondary subject in which you will receive one basic lesson for all levels.
Each person will be in the track that corresponds to their main subject. For example, if you choose guitar as your main subject, you will be in the music track, and in the practical workshops for music (song-writing, recording...etc.). But you can choose a secondary subject from the music track (like singing) OR from the media track (like photography).
We will worship together, listen to teachings, and split into small groups to search out God's story in His word, and how to communicate that story (the Gospel) to the world in a creative way.

There will be time to get to know one another, swim, play soccer, and present songs/sketches/talents in an “open mic” night.
It will be a great opportunity for you to get built up in the Lord, develop your talents, and to fellowship with other believing youth that you may have not met before.
There will also be time to hang out, swim, play soccer, and present songs/sketches/talents in an “open mic” night.
It will be a great opportunity for you to get built up in the Lord, to develop your talents, and to make new friends with other believing youth that you may have not met before.

Everyone will have the opportunity to be a part of a worship team (not mandatory).
You - the youth - will prepare and lead a creative worship and prayer night on Sunday night (30/6), to which you can invite your friends and family.

Frequently Asked Questions
The Dor Haba 2019 youth camp will take place during the last week of June (27/06 - 1/07), in Netanya.
The camp costs 400 NIS for those who register before 30/4/19, and 500 NIS for those who register afterwards.
Financial aid will be available for families who have 2 or more children attending and for needy families. Don't let money stop you from not coming! You can apply for financial aid in the registration form itself and we will get back to you shortly with an answer.
Early registration pricing will be available until 30/4/19.
Registration will close on 31/5/19, or earlier if all places get filled up! We have limited space for up to 100 youth!
All the necessary forms (parental consent, rules and regulations, and the health form) will be sent to registrants by email. The forms will also be available on our website for download. As the camp approaches we will post more details on the website and send them over email. Information such as the address, transportation options and a list of what to bring.
The camp will be in Hebrew and Arabic. There will be teachers and worship leaders from Israel, teachers from Singapore, England, and the USA. Lessons in English will be translated into Hebrew and Arab.
There may be transportation to and back from the camp (for an extra fee of 60 NIS) from Tiberias, Nazereth, Haifa, and Jerusalem. 30 NIS from Tel Aviv, depending on . We can also transport from the south if enough register from there. After the camp, there will be free rides to the bus station in Netanya for those who aren’t going on the buses the camp provides.
Young people ages 19-23, who fill out the registration form and are accepted, can serve and volunteer on the “Young Staff” and participate in most of the classes and meetings (find out more in the registration form!).
If you have any questions, you can email us at: and someone on our team will get back to you.