
Our Vision:

Dor Haba’s purpose is to encourage, train and equip the younger generation of worship leaders, song-writers,  and prayer warriors in Jerusalem, in Israel and in the surrounding countries of the Middle East.  We bring together young Israeli Jews and Arabs so they can form relationships, get God’s heart from scripture for their people, and collaborate in creative Kingdom work. This love and unity speaks volumes to the culture around them. We help young songwriters release new, indigenous sounds of worship in this region of the world and in their own language. We also form new Hebrew worship teams at Succat Hallel, (the 24/7 House of Prayer in Jerusalem). These teams consist of young teenagers and even children who lead times of worship and prayer!

Our heart is that these young people would become mighty people of prayer who intercede on their nation’s behalf. Young people who prepare the way, in prayer and in sharing the good news, for a great harvest in Israel and for the return of their Messiah and King.

We invite YOU to be a part of what we’re doing!  The best way to partner with us is:

  1. Sign up for our mailing list here.
  2. Become a financial partner here.
  3. Volunteer your time (as part of a 1-3 month visit) here.

And be blessed as you believe with us for God to continue raising up young worshippers in Israel and the Middle East!

Photo: Time of worship and prayer at the 2016 Dor Haba camp, with over 70 Jewish and Arab youth (specifically, young musicians, singers, songwriters and worship leaders)

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