Number of children registered to come to Dor Haba:* 18-year-olds please choose the first option
A preferred method for calling and receiving important information* We are opening a WhatsApp group for parents and we would love for you to join it
E-mail Address* This address will be added to the conference mailing list, to which important information regarding the conference will be sent
Please note, sometimes the mail will go directly to the spam or advertisements box
Additional emergency contact (if primary parent is unavailable)* to all your children
Full Name
Proximity to registrants
Telephone Number
Details of registrant #1*
Full Name
Israeli ID number (or passport #)
If so, should he/she be helped to do so?* Illnesses or Disabilities* Please list and explain any illness or medical and/or dietary restriction, if any.
For example: diabetes, anemia, gluten allergy, celiac disease, lactose intolerance etc.
Does the child have a mental health diagnosis or a learning disability?* For example: on the autistic spectrum, diagnosed attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, anger outbursts, depression or unstable mental state, etc. Please explain if he/she has certain needs and how we can help when they are having a difficult time
Details of registrant #2
Full Name
Israeli ID number (or passport #)
If so, should he/she be helped to do so? Illnesses or Disabilities* Please list and explain any illness or medical and/or nutritional limitation, if any:
For example: diabetes, anemia, gluten allergy, celiac disease, lactose intolerance etc.
Does the child have a mental health diagnosis or a learning disability?* For example: on the autistic spectrum, diagnosed attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, anger outbursts, depression or unstable mental state, etc. Please explain if he/she has certain needs and how we can help when they are having a difficult time
Details of registrant #3
Full Name
Israeli ID number (or passport #)
If so, should he/she be helped to do so? Illnesses or Disabilities* Please list and explain any illness or medical and/or nutritional limitation, if any:
For example: diabetes, anemia, gluten allergy, celiac disease, lactose intolerance etc.
Does the child have a mental health diagnosis or a learning disability?* For example: on the autistic spectrum, diagnosed attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, anger outbursts, depression or unstable mental state, etc. Please explain if he/she has certain needs and how we can help when they are having a difficult time
Details of registrant #4
Full Name
Israeli ID number (or passport #)
If so, should he/she be helped to do so? Illnesses or Disabilities* Please list and explain any illness or medical and/or nutritional limitation, if any:
For example: diabetes, anemia, gluten allergy, celiac disease, lactose intolerance etc.
Does the child have a mental health diagnosis or a learning disability?* For example: on the autistic spectrum, diagnosed attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, anger outbursts, depression or unstable mental state, etc. Please explain if he/she has certain needs and how we can help when they are having a difficult time
Details of registrant #5
Full Name
Israeli ID number (or passport #)
If so, should he/she be helped to do so?* Illnesses or Disabilities* Please list and explain any illness or medical and/or nutritional limitation, if any:
For example: low blood sugar, gluten sensitivity, celiac disease, lactose sensitivity, etc.
Does the child have a mental health diagnosis or a learning disability?* For example: on the autistic spectrum, diagnosed attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, anger outbursts, depression or unstable mental state, etc. Please explain if he/she has certain needs and how we can help when they are having a difficult time
Regulations and rules of conduct at the conference Rules of Conduct* You must read the rules of conduct of the conference *together with your child/ren*
If someone is found not honoring the rules, they will meet with two leaders and be given a second chance.
If their attitude and behavior does not improve after this, they will meet with the conference organizers.
If after this they continue the bad behavior, they will be sent home, in coordination with the parents, at their expense and without refund of the registration fee.
However, if one of the first two rules are broken, they will sent home immediately with no second chances,
in coordination with the parents, at their expense and without refund of the registration fee.
Confirmation of reading the rules for registrant #1* I have read the rules and consequences, I understand them, and I agree to respect them
Confirmation of reading the rules for registrant #2* I have read the rules and consequences, I understand them, and I agree to respect them
Confirmation of reading the rules to registrant #3* I have read the rules and consequences, I understand them, and I agree to respect them
Confirmation of reading the rules to registrant #4* I have read the rules and consequences, I understand them, and I agree to respect them
Confirmation of reading the rules to registrant #5* I have read the rules and consequences, I understand them, and I agree to respect them
Confirmation of reading the rules - parents* I have read the rules and consequences, discussed them with my son/daughter who is going to attend the conference, and I agree to arrange a homecoming if he/she is told he/she must leave the conference due to disrespectful actions or behavior as described in the consequences.
Special permits Permission to participate in the creative project* I authorize my child to appear in the music video with everyone at the conference and in other creative videos that may be produced during the conference that will be posted on Dor Haba's Youtube channel
Permission to go to the boardwalk* I give my son/daughter permission to perfom their creative project on the boardwalk in Netanya if it is relevent to their project. I understand that half of the creative projects will be going to the boardwalk in Netanya, under staff supervision, on Thursday 08.01.24
Parental permission Mother details* Or legal guardian
First Name
Last Name
Telephone Number
Mother's approval* I authorize my son/daughter to participate in the Dor Haba conference held at the Guesthouse Hostel Nordia during the dates: 28.7-02.08.24 I understand and agree that this is a Messianic conference under the spiritual covering of "Succat Hallel", where they will be taught from Bible (Old and New Testament), and confess that Jesus is the Messiah and the Son of God.
Details of the father* Or legal guardian
First Name
Last Name
Telephone Number
Israeli ID number (or passport #)
Father's approval* I authorize my son/daughter to participate in the Dor Haba conference held at the Guesthouse Hostel Nordia during the dates: 28.7-02.08.24 I understand and agree that this is a Messianic conference under the spiritual covering of "Succat Hallel", where they will be taught from Bible (Old and New Testament), and confess that Jesus is the Messiah and the Son of God.
Registration for transportation Will your child/ren be joining the bus ride provided by Dor Haba?* 18-year-olds, will you join the bus ride?
Do you need financial aid beyond the subsidy and the sibling discount?* What is your monthly household income?* If your household income is over NIS 9,000, you are not entitled to financial aid